What’s the best way to energize the team until the end of the year?


September, that month that is a mixture of happiness and stress. The vacations are over (for some) and we’re back at work (for most). There are those who live these first few days with renewed energy, but there are also those who feel they could do with a few more days off. Do you identify with any of these scenarios?

Regardless of which scenario you identify with the most, what is certain is that returning to work at this stage also reminds us that we’ll soon be at the end of the year and that until then we need to make sure we achieve the goals we’ve set ourselves. Will the vacations have been enough to recharge all our batteries by then? How are we all going to be rowing in the same direction with the same strength?

Does that sound utopian or difficult? We’re all different. We may not all have 100% energy in our team, right? So what if there was a way of restoring everyone’s energy so that the journey to the end of the year would have a new lease of life and the end of the year would be more special than the last?

It’s possible, and it’s nothing out of the ordinary. You don’t need big moments or huge, expensive events like Google’s or Apple’s, you just need to know where you want to go and what you want to awaken in your team! Celebrate, unite, challenge, change mentalities and/or attitudes?

Whatever it is, it must suit the team and the moment they are in, it must have a purpose and a common thread, without ever reducing the importance of a surprising moment that they will remember for a long, long time.

Does a party on board a boat on the Tagus River, with the opportunity to watch the sun set, sound good? What if, before getting on board, the team were faced with the need to prepare all the ingredients for their own celebration: from starters, main courses, drinks, desserts and even the DJ set and the event video? Celebrating, yes, but with a sense of belonging, would certainly be different from a party where you just arrive and have a good time, wouldn’t it?

What if one day, when you arrived at the company, there was nothing left but the walls? If everything was gone? What would you do to get everything back and ensure that nothing was missing to achieve the goals you had set for yourself? It’s good to remember that not everything we have at our disposal is guaranteed.

Having said that, have you ever wondered what life would be like for a blind person? No, this isn’t one of those experiments where you blindfold the team. It’s something that will literally give you another view of the world, by turning the people on the team into co-drivers responsible for guiding some blind people through a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to drive a real car. Will they be the same afterwards?

These are some of the experiences that any team can go through to ensure that their energies are replenished, but above all well-focused until the end of the year! And by then, there will be room and certainly more than plenty of reasons to really celebrate with a memorable event!

Carlos Moreira, Founding Partner of Immersis

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What’s the best way to energize the team until the end of the year?